Afternoon expert lab

Talk to an expert during appril 2019. During our conference we have a set of experts available to help you with in-depth questions or challenges that you face with your app. Here’s your chance to get 15 minutes of free advice from one of our industry leaders. Whether you wonder how to deal with taxes when earning with your app, or how to best get your app through Apple’s app review process, we have experts on various relevant fields to help you out or to give you a head start.

​Our appril 2019 Experts:

Marketing expert: Louise Verschuren
Agency: Wuzzon

App Store Review & Deployment expert:​ Ivo Jansch​
Agency​: Egeniq

​Team ​Development: ​J​oris ​Slagter​ ​
Agency​: Thrive

Mobile advertising:
Agency​: Adjust

Tax: Seb ​Suer
Agency​: Weller

Development: Bob Wiebes​
​Agency​: aFrogLeap


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