Leadership for succes
Stepping up to lead a team, becoming a business owner, and hiring staff are big changes that will ask different skills and capacities than you have had to use before. Growth, both personally and as a team/organisation, means more change. Change is also part and parcel of the environment in which you operate.
So the question ‘how do you lead a team’, should really be how do you successfully lead a team in an environment of change. What does it ask of you as a leader to lead so that your team and organisation can reach its full potential.
My goal is that you will walk away at the end of the workshop with a:
- New perspective on (your) leadership.
- Concrete steps you can take in order to lead more successfully.
- This session is interactive, be prepared to do the work.
Additional literature: Birgitt Williams (2010), The Genuine Contact Way, Nourishing a Culture of Leadership.
Session info:
Speaker: Ad van Roosmalen
Consultancy in Leiderschap en Organisatieontwikkeling at Ad van Roosmalen
Date: 22 June 2022
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
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