Observation-based product development using Flutter

Any Flutter developer knows how great this SDK is at creating beautiful, performant, and portable apps. Usually, we do not want just to create an app – we want to build THE product. We want to create something that will be used by our users daily, bringing them joy and making their life easier. Thus, it’s crucial to keep a finger on the pulse of the users’ behaviour, understand their struggles and needs, and later make observation-based decisions to improve our products. In this talk, I will share some real-world tips and tricks used in developing THE products with Flutter.

This talk covers three main app observation strategies:
1) App monitoring – logs, error & crash reports, performance metrics;
2) Product metrics – app metrics and analytics;
3) UX – internal and external user feedback.


Session info:

Speaker: Mangirdas Kazlauskas

Google Developer Expert for Flutter & Dart | Mobile Tech Lead @Billo

Date: 12 May 2023

Time: 13:15 - 14:00

Relevant tags:
Cross Platform Flutter

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