Decoding OAuth and OpenID Connect for Mobile Developers

If you’ve not read RFC 8252, or found it overwhelming, fear not. I will break down this specification, distilling it into digestible key concepts that underscore your everyday work. RFC 8252 provides essential guidelines for implementing OAuth 2.0 in native applications, focusing on the unique security and usability challenges these apps face compared to their web counterparts. This presentation aims to simplify RFC 8252 for those who are curious about the intricacies of OAuth 2.0 in mobile app development, and for those who find it complex.

The presentation is designed to demystify the intricate processes of OAuth, translating technical jargon into practical knowledge specifically for mobile developers. I will introduce the fundamentals of OAuth, highlighting its importance in the architecture of mobile applications. This will set the stage for a deeper exploration of the various types of tokens used in OAuth.

We will explore ID Tokens, Access Tokens, and Refresh Tokens. We’ll delve into their distinct functions, examine their payloads and claims, and understand how they collectively ensure a secure application experience. I will address the differences among various token types, the nuances of authentication versus authorization, the nature of different grant types, and the methods for validating tokens.

By the end of this session, attendees will have a solid grasp of RFC 8252’s guidelines and a better understanding of how to effectively implement OAuth 2.0 in their native applications. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining robust security and a seamless user experience in mobile app development.


Session info:

Speaker: Chrystian Vieyra Cortes

Engineering Manager at Comcast at Comcast

Date: 15 March 2024

Time: 09:50 - 10:35

Relevant tags:
Android iOS Security

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