Library Development – Stuck between a Pod and a Jar file
Isaac Newton, the father of modern software engineering, called it “Standing on the shoulders of giants”.
Modern development is exciting as it gets easier and easier, partly because of the wealth of resources available at our fingertips. One category of these resources are libraries, SDKs, and frameworks.
This talk will be a guide into the considerations that go into building a library for both iOS/Swift and Java/Android. We will be taking cues from both my personal experience, as well as from studying how the leaders in the field do it (yes, I do mean the awesome people at Square and Twitter).
Some of the questions this talk aims to answer are:
– why and when build libraries,
– what is a “good” API,
– how to version and distribute it,
– how to test, analyse, and perform performance monitoring,
and more.
Session info:
Speaker: Zan Markan
Lead Mobile Engineer at Pusher
Date: 17 March 2017
Time: 15:40 - 16:30
Relevant tags:
Best practices