Speeding up @Composables Preview generation – a plugin story
In this talk, I will share my journey of developing a plugin for Android Studio that simplifies the process of generating @Preview-annotated functions for @Composable components in Jetpack Compose. The plugin, “Compose Preview Generator”, allows developers to instantly generate preview methods with a single click, speeding up UI development compared to manual creation. At the time of writing, it even outperforms Google’s Gemini-powered solution integrated into Android Studio in terms of both speed and correctness of the generated code.
I’ll walk through the entire development process, from the initial idea to building an IntelliJ plugin, and discuss the challenges I faced along the way—such as dealing with the IntelliJ’s SDK and getting the right dependencies for Android Studio. Additionally, I’ll give an overview about how the IntelliJ Marketplace works and what submitting a plugin looks like, and how to implement paid features.
You can check the plugin at: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/25716-compose-preview-generator
Session info:
Speaker: Alessandro Mautone
Tech Lead | Lead Android Engineer at Canyon
Date: 21 March 2025
Time: 11:50 - 12:20
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