OpenSourced Apple Health Frameworks (Wow)

Have you ever wanted to use HealthKit, CareKit or ResearchKit in your app or did you apple has open-source projects and frameworks?

Don’t you want to make the world a better place?

This talk give a solid understanding of HealthKit, ResearchKit and CareKit. I cover CareKitUI and CareKitStore and how to use those to work with ResearchKit which gives you so many prepared UI tools and HealthKit to store your data.

What to expect

You’ll learn about CareKitUI and CareKitStore to make a care plan, track daily symptoms and visualize them in a chart.
You’ll also learn how to ask consent for accessing user data and collect data from questionnaires and active tasks using ResearchKit and store it in HealthKit.

What you will take home

By the end of this talk, when you are developing an app you know how to use any apple health frameworks and prepare the best user experiences for your questionary. It will also help you to work with Apple Health Framework in a way that you don’t need any backend to deal with.


Session info:

Speaker: Emad Ghorbaninia

Mobile Lead Engineer, Solution Architect at Visma Acubiz

Date: 12 May 2023

Time: 16:10 - 16:40

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